227 Grand Ave W., Chatham ON N7L 1C3
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Chatham Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry

If you have dental anxiety you may be interested in the sedation dentistry options we offer at Grand West Dental Group. Sedation allows you to remain relaxed and calm during your appointment. Many patients who suffer from dental anxiety find great relief from sedation dentistry.

Oral Sedation

For a planned, mild level of sedation we can prescribe an oral sedative to help you remain calm during your appointment. You take the sedative prior to your visit with us and the medication will help you relax. Because of the sedative effect you will need someone to remain in the office and to drive you home after your appointment.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide, also known more traditionally as laughing gas, has been used as a mild sedative in dentistry for over 100 years. It provides a mild level of sedation with a minimum of side effects, letting you stay calm during your appointment.

If you’re anxious about your dental appointment, contact us to discuss sedation and sleep dentistry options.